Sunday, April 23, 2006

Reds pregame notes

I had a beautiful photoshop to post here that I spent a little extra time on this morning, but right now Photoshop is crashing and my work isn't saved. It's been unresponsive for about ten minutes now, but I'm hoping for a miracle. I think the whole computer is about to crash. Stupid Microsoft. Update - it totally crashed, and I lost the photo. I'm going to recreate it, though.

Somehow, suddenly the sky has cleared itself of clouds and the sunshine is performing brilliantly right now. I guess I won't have to hop on Noah's Ark after all.

Some notes:

By now, I am sure everyone has heard about Milton and surgery, but just in case, read more at Red Reporter's game thread.

The Brewers are wearing their eighties unies today. That glove is one of my favorite MLB logos; I'm glad they're using it again.

Fond memories of Tom Browning come swirling back at RHM. I think most of us clearly remember the game at Wrigley when he went out to sit on the roof on Waveland Ave. Good times.

Big Red Mechanic explains how the number 4 factored into yesterday's game.

Check back, I'll have more later. I have to fix this computer so I can watch the game.

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